May 10Liked by Rachel Kramer Bussel

Loved your Tiny Love Story, on multiple levels:

Level 1: I'm a complusive dragger home of things (particularly seating although I never invite people over to sit)

Level 1 a: and a compulsive, constant, declutterer, so it's like living in a kind of whirlwind of in and out and in and out, something akin to a rotating museum display (or so I like to imagine). I'm also in the process of helping two good friends declutter (one, an actual hoarder where I discovered there is an actual category for people who hoard recyclable things).

Level 2: The Beauty of Brevity. I hated when Twitter (remember Twitter?) changed from 140 characters to 250. There was a wonderful thrill in telling a good story in 140 characters. When I teach, I challenge my students to give me a single paragraph, or no more than 100 words, depending. Invariably they come back with, "I can't tell the story without more words." I don't say it aloud, but my inner voice says, "Then you really don't know what your story is about...."

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I hear you on both counts. I’m still a hoarder even though my stuff is much more under control, but in certain aspects of my home I like everything very neat and organized. And I too miss the 140 characters even though I’ll easily use all 280. Five Minute Lit is another great site for flash nonfiction essays. There’s something appealing to me on a craft level and also a time-saving level as a reader. I think it’s beautiful to tell a full story in a very short word count and also to leave readers both satisfied and wanting to know more.https://www.fiveminutelit.com

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I loved reading your essay, Rachel! Plus the empty box photo is so adorable of you!

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I LOVE your tiny story! Bravo!!

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I would love such a gift.

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